
Lake Menarik

Sky Lake

Joint Ventures:


  • Conviac
  • Lemar
  • Ross
  • Sakami
  • South Abitibi
  • Taiga


Key Facts

  • Commodities: Gold (Goldhawk/Stu/Nusa Area), Lithium (Améliane & Milou Discoveries), Copper-Gold (Mista Showing)
  • Stage: Exploration
  • Ownership: 100% Harfang
  • Encumbrances: 2% – 4% NSR on certain claims
  • Size: 988 claims totalling 50,843 hectares
  • Location: Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec; 90 km south-southeast of Radisson and 10 km south of the Transtaiga Road
  • Access: by road via the Billy-Diamond Highway and by air via the La Grande Airport (60 km from site)
  • Main Areas of Interest: Goldhawk/Stu/Nusa Area, Améliane & Milou Discoveries, Mista Showing


Goldhawk/Stu/Nusa Area:

  • GOLD SHOWINGS GALORE: Harfang has discovered more than 60 gold showings across the property, including 5 high-grade gold discoveries during the summer 2024 field season. Assay highlights include:
    • Grab samples up to 340 g/t Au
    • 7.78 g/t Au over 6.15 m (Channel Sample)
    • 2.52 g/t Au over 19.65 m and 1.64 g/t Au over 22.40 m (DDH Samples)
  • THREE GOLD TRENDS DELINEATED: The Company has delineated 3 structural gold trends that align with various gold discoveries on the property. The three trends, Goldhawk, Stu, and Nusa are all subparallel, strike to the northwest, and cover a footprint measuring approximately 25 km2.
  • ADDITIONAL GOLD ANOMALIES ACROSS THE PROPERTY: In addition to the high-grade grab, channel, and DDH assay results, the property boasts a gold-in-till anomaly spanning almost 8 km2 as well as a gold-in-soil anomaly spanning close to 5 km2.

Améliane & Milou Discoveries:

  • LITHIUM MINERALIZATION IN PEGMATITE OUTCROPS AND BOULDERS: The Améliane and Milou discoveries confirm the presence of lithium mineralization at Serpent. Assay highlights from grab samples include 2.97 % Li2O, 2.17 % Li2O, and 2.03 % Li2O.
  • DISCOVERIES SUGGEST POTENTIAL FOR STACKED PEGMATITE DYKE SYSTEM: Two pegmatite trends are approximately 1 km apart on surface, indicating the presence of a zone measuring approximately 500 metres wide (true thickness) that may host multiple spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes (a stacked system).
  • FIELD ANALYSES INDICATE FERTILE PEGMATITES: Field analyses using a handheld X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) instrument indicates chemical ratios typically associated with fertile pegmatites. Spodumene crystals in outcrops range from 2.5 to 25 centimetres in length, with concentrations up to 30%.

Mista Showing:

  • POLYMETALLIC MINERALIZATION: Cu-Au-Ag mineralization identified on surface over 350 metres and associated with an IP chargeability axis measuring 650+ metres.
  • FAVOURABLE GEOLOGY: mineralization associated with quartz stockwork hosted in fine-grained quartz arenite and wacke at the contact with tonalitic gneiss of the Langelier Complex.


(Click on map to enlarge)

Shaded relief geological map of Serpent

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The three structural gold trends that make up the Goldhawk/Stu/Nusa Area

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The potential stacking zone with Améliane and Milou at the northern and southern extensions, respectively.

(Click on map to enlarge)

The Mista Showing with Cu-Au-Ag mineralization identified on surface over 350 metres.

Recent Project News


Download this press release:MONTREAL, December 30, 2024 - Harfang Exploration Inc. (“Harfang” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: HAR) is pleased to announce the completion of a non-brokered private placement (the “Offering”) consisting of the issuance of 7,090,000 flow-through...

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