Key Facts
- Commodity: Gold
- Stage: Exploration
- Ownership: 100% Harfang
- Encumbrances: 2.00 % NSR on certain claims
- Size: 449 claims totalling 11,721 hectares
- Location: in the Abitibi central to Timmins, Kirkland Lake and Matachewan gold camps; 50 km east-southeast of Timmins, 50 km north of Matachewan
- Access: road access via newly cut logging roads
- Main Areas of Interest: E1, E1S, E2, E3
- STRATEGIC LOCATION NESTLED BETWEEN KNOWN MINING CAMPS: Egan is strategically located in the heart of Ontario’s prolific Abitibi Gold Camp, central to mining operations in Timmins, Kirkland Lake, and Matachewan.
- A SOLID FOUNDATION OF GRASSROOTS EXPLORATION DATASETS: Exploration conducted since August 2020 (when the Option Agreement was signed) includes 117 square kilometres of Aerial LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), 828 line-kilometres of high-resolution helicopter-borne magnetic surveys, 75 kilometres of IP (Induced Polarization) geophysics over priority target areas, geological mapping, prospecting, as well as soil and till sampling.
- RESULTS HIGHLIGHT MULTIPLE HIGH-PRIORITY TARGETS: Four high-priority targets have been identified as a result of the exploration work completed to date: E1, E1S, E2, E3.
- E1 ZONE CONSISTS OF WELL-DEVELOPPED STOCKWORK: Logging activities exposed a northeast-trending shear zone with a well-developed stockwork of quartz veins hosted in syenite with grab sample assay results including 105.0 g/t Au, 67.2 g/t Au, 63.7 g/t Au, 47.6 g/t Au, and 22.7 g/t Au.
- E1S ZONE DISCOVERED BY FOLOWING A GOLD-IN-SOIL ANOMALY: The E1S Zone was initially discovered following a soil sampling campaign, and is located approximately 1 km south of E1. A follow up prospecting program returned a grab sample with 25.0 g/t Au from an outcrop measuring 75 metres by 140 metres.
- E2 ZONE CONSISTS OF A SERIES OF EASTERLY TRENDING QUARTZ VEINS: Located approximately 3 km southeast of E1, E2 is hosted in mafic volcanic rocks where sampling done in 2018 and 2019 returned high-grade assay results including 19.3 g/t Au, 16.6 g/t Au, and 15.3 g/t Au.
- E3 ZONE RETURNED HIGH-GRADE GOLD: Located approximately 5 km south of E1, the E3 Zone returned grab sample assay results including 44.7 g/t Au and 19.0 g/t Au.