- Initial sampling by vendors returned gold values up to 105 g/t Au with 15% of the samples returning >10 g/t Au.
- E1 target comprised of a 700m long IP geophysical anomaly spatially correlated with a gold soil anomaly. Composite chip samples (eg. 7.67 g/t Au over 3.0 m and 2.80 g/t Au over 4.0 m) and multiple >30 g/t Au grab samples
- E2 target consists of easterly trending, laminated quartz veins hosted by mafic metavolcanics Sampling done by the vendors from trenches returned high grade gold assay values of 3 g/t, 16.6 g/t and 19.30 g/t Au.
- E3 Zone from which the best grab samples yielded 7 g/t and 26.9 g/t from quartz vein bearing chlorite schist with 3-8% disseminated pyrite.
2022 Program
- Summer 2022: Infill soil geochemical program designed to connect the E1, E2 and E3 prospects followed by geologic mapping, trenching and channel sampling
- Fall 2022 or Winter 2023: Maiden scout drill program anticipated